JupiterOne Graph Data Model
The JupiterOne Graph Data Model describes a set of common classifications
for data found in an organization's set of digital assets, as well as common
property names and relationships.
The model does not represent a strict requirement for data stored in the
JupiterOne graph. It is acceptable and common to include many additional
properties on any class of entity or relationship, when those properties provide
value for querying and reporting. It is however strongly recommended that
similar data use common class and property names where possible.
The value is realized when writing queries, or using queries others have
written, and when viewing a list of similar assets from any number of external
systems. For example, find Host with ipAddress=""
depends on the
data model, which works whether the asset is in AWS, Azure, GCP, or detected by
an on-prem scanner, or is a machine in the classic sense or a serverless
function. The list of results would have some common property names no matter
what a value is labeled in external systems.
Though the data model is not a strict schema, there are schemas
which serve to communicate the data model and are used in JupiterOne UIs to
support entity creation, editing, and visualization. Additionally, integrations
are encouraged to generate entities and relationships that conform to the
schemas to help to drive the advancement of the data model and provide
consistency in the data we ingest. See the
Integration SDK for functions
that make this easy to do.
Entities and Relationships
The data model is built for a knowledge graph -- entities and relationships, or
nodes and edges -- that reflects the stateful representation of the cyber
infrastructure and digital operations of an organization.
The schema for each entity and relationship describes a collection of common
attributes for that specific abstract class, along with graph object metadata as
described in GraphObject.json
The data model combines the benefit of having vendor/provider specific
attributes together with abstract/normalized attributes. The vendor/provider
specific attributes are dynamically assigned and not defined by the data model.
The Concept of _type
and _class
Each entity represents an actual operating element (a "thing") that is part of
an organization's cyber operations or infrastructure. This "thing" can be either
physical or logical.
The metadata attributes _type
and _class
are used to define what the asset
: The value is a single string typically in the format of
or ${vendor}_${product}_${resource}
in snake_case
For example: aws_instance
, google_cloud_function
, apple_tv
It is important to note that in some cases, ${vendor}_${resource}
may not be
ideal or feasible.
For example, we may have directory data that comes in from an HR integration
such as BambooHR or Rippling. The Person
entity being created should have
_type: 'employee'
or _type: 'contractor'
rather than
_type: 'bamboohr_employee'
or _type: 'bamboohr_contractor'
Another exception is data that comes from an integration with another ITSM,
asset discovery tool, device management tool, or CMDB. While a system might be
a good "source of truth" or "system of record," they are not the actual vendor
of those devices.
If a server or application is ingested from ServiceNow, the _type
should not be servicenow_server
or servicenow_application
If a Cisco switch is ingested from Rumble or Netbox, the _type
should be cisco_switch
instead of rumble_asset
or netbox_device
If a smartphone/mobile device is managed by Google Workspace and ingested
via the integration, the _type
for the device should not be
because the device could be an Apple iPhone and it
would be very confusing to call an iPhone a Google mobile device. Instead,
it should be apple_iphone
when the type of device is known or a generic
value of mobile_device
: The value is a string or string array in TitleCase
using a generic
IT or Security term to describe the higher level category of the asset.
These are defined in src/schemas